Firebird News

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Firebird/InterBase - UDF and NULL parameters - DO not USE NULLs

Do not use NULLs

It is quite a frequent mistake to use NULLs for purposes it was not intended to. For example you have column MIDDLE_NAME in your table; if the person does not have middle name, you should fill in empty string (''); but sometimes people use NULL instead - it is wrong, because NULL means unknown value, not missing/not assigned/empty one. Using NULL as middle name means - "this person probably has a middle name, but we do not know what it is" - and not - "this person does not have any middle name".
Firebird/InterBase - UDF and NULL parameters

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, November 01, 2007

mnoGoSearch change history - new version released

Changes in 3.3.5 (17 October 2007)
mnoGoSearch change history

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Firebird Conference coverege []

Firebird Conference coveragePhotos and Blog entries from the 2007 Firebird DBMS conference have been posted. "The 2007 Firebird Conference convened from October 18-20 in Hamburg, Germany."
Linux in the news []

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Firebird Development release on []

Firebird 2.1 Beta 2 releasedVersion 2.1 Beta 2 of the Firebird DBMS has been announced. "This is the second Beta build of the Firebird version 2.1 series. It is for FIELD TESTING ONLY and should not be put into production systems."
Development []

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