I have started to read the django book and i could make it work with firebird without issues
Bellow are the instructions for Chapter 2 : Getting started
Install django using pip
pip install django
check django version from python console
>>> import django
>>> django.VERSION
(1, 5, x, 'final', 0)
pip install django-firebird
create a new project
django-admin.py startproject wordpress_clone
cd wordpress_clone
python manage.py runserver
load in browser http://localhost:8000

Step 02 completed , we now should do the step 03
Chapter 3 is quite easy to read mainly hello world application here is the screenshot
after finising it (no modifications needed or related to firebird)
Chapter 04 is only related to templates so no modifications needed related to firebird.Chapter 3 is quite easy to read mainly hello world application here is the screenshot
after finising it (no modifications needed or related to firebird)
So we reached chapter 05 the db and the The MTV Development Pattern (Beavis and Butthead pattern maybe )
In a way i like the Dumb pattern ViewController
Only the View and the Controller and The Model is in database anyway (triggers/rules/procedures and business logic)
I have created an empty database in /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/firedjango.fdb
with flamerobin
Ok so the the shell worked with my firebird db config in settings.py
$python manage.py shell
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
So the next thing was to create the models and generate the db
$ python manage.py validate
$ python manage.py sqlall books
and here is the output
After that sync worked
$ python manage.py syncdb
import md5
Creating table books_publisher
Creating table books_book
Creating table books_author
Installing index for books.Book model
$ python manage.py shell
>>> from books.models import Publisher
>>> p1 = Publisher(name='Apress', address='2855 Telegraph Avenue',
... city='Berkeley', state_province='CA', country='U.S.A.',
... website='http://www.apress.com/')
>>> p1.save()
>>> p2 = Publisher(name="O'Reilly", address='10 Fawcett St.',
... city='Cambridge', state_province='MA', country='U.S.A.',
... website='http://www.oreilly.com/')
>>> p2.save()
>>> publisher_list = Publisher.objects.all()
>>> publisher_list

after i have added the _unicode method
$ python manage.py shell
>>> from books.models import Publisher
>>> publisher_list = Publisher.objects.all()
>>> publisher_list
[<Publisher: Apress>, <Publisher: O'Reilly>]