Firebird News

Saturday, March 26, 2005

lazarus - firebird components progress

Jose A. Rimon wrote on lazarus list:
Attached you will find a patch which provide reading blob fields for sqldb
(ibconnection) and fix some small bugs.

Patch tested against Firebird, DB employee. Here are examples of query fixed :

# Prevents "field not found" error, when use a query without the primary key
in the select:
" select aged from sales" raise "Field not found "PO_NUMBER" (primary key)

# Set SQLlen of different data types:
"select discount from sales" return 0 for all rows

# Use AliasName instead of SQLname to avoid "duplicate field name" error, for
example when using "coalesce" more than once:
"select coalesce(po_number, 0) as po_number
,coalesce(cust_no,0) as cust_no from sales" raise "duplicate field name"

# use SQLScale in ftLargeInt to get actual values:
" select aged from sales" return actual value * 10 ^9

# Send query to server with different lines. Provides line info in sqlErrors
and allows single line comments
"select coalesce(po_number, 0) as po_number -- PO_NUMBER
,coalesce(cust_no,0) as cust_no
from sales" raise "unexpected end of command"

There is a patch also for dbgribs to avoid display the blob field

[ED: the rest of the thread is here

Also it seems there are other patches floating around]

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