Firebird News

Thursday, November 30, 2006

upgrading firebird 1.5 to 2.0 latest stable

Yeah, last week I try to install the new Firebird 2.0. And it's easy to migrate the old ODS 10.1 (FB 1.5) to ODS 11 (FB2.0) what you need to do is:

My Personal Interest & Activity: Upgrading Firebird 1.5 to 2.0

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hunting for code

Technically Speaking, Krugle couldn’t have come to my attention at a more opportune time as I am starting to play around a bit with Firebird, and I’m beyond rusty on simple SQL these days!

Krugle - Stop hunting, go Krugling! « Technically Speaking

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computer world slowdown please...

[ED: isn't an cell world ? the number of embedded devices > computers , Here are some comments from Dimitri Kuzmenko]
Interesting that press starting to write more news about Firebird. For example, look at Firebird 2.0 announce at Computerworld. This is great, but, a lot of mistakes.

IBDeveloper: Computerworld, slowdown please....

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it's a new day , it's a new *bird - blog of the day about firebird

During the conference two new versions of Firebird were discussed and are expected to see the light of day during 2007. These will be 2.1 and 3.0.

New IT Trends: A new Firebird

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firebird headline on neowin

"my company uses firebird and we've been waiting for 2.0 for a while." - Firebird Project Releases Firebird 2.0 Final

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

spreading the word about latest firebird 2 (gold)

The Firebird Project today officially releases the much-anticipated
version 2.0 of its open source Firebird relational database software
during the opening session of the fourth international Firebird
Conference in Prague, Czech Republic.

Firebird 2.0 is the happy culmination of more than two years' efforts
from a broad-ranging, truly international community of dedicated
developers and supporters. It brings with it a large collection of
long-awaited enhancements that significantly improve performance,
security and support for international languages and realise some
desirable new SQL language features. Under the surface, it also
provides a much more robust code platform from which the
re-architecting planned for Firebird 3.0 is proceeding.

Read and download
: i started with these sites (google spreadsheet)]

News i will send to (over time):

other good linux/bsd/mac/windows/vms sites

leftovers from spreadsheet

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

firebird with mono 1.2

Ok here's what I have: Lastest Mono (1.2) - and it version 1.7 as it came bundled with this Monoinstallation.

Getting Firebird .net provider to work in Mono 1.2 | Firebird Questions .NET

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Firebird dot net provider 2.0 in mono issue

I will be glad to see v2.0 of provider coming with mono, butmono people are who needs to decide if they want that and how thatshould be done not me.

Re: Using the 2.0 Provider on Mono | Firebird Questions .NET

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Osdbconf - impressions

There were number of talks about MySQL by Arjen Lentz, Me and Giuseppe Maxia . There also were talks about Firebird, Apache Derby, Ingres and DB40. There however were no talks about PostgreSQL which is probably second most popular OpenSource Database or any others.

MySQL Performance Blog » Back from OpenSource Database Conference

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blog of the day about firebird 2.0 release

I've personally seen some fairly dramatic performance improvements with this release, as well as some fairly significant new features for the project.

Jesse Sightler's Weblog

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phpbb 3.0 beta 3 - any firebird testers ?

We are pleased to announce the availability of the phpBB3 Beta3 package. With this third beta release we are again a great step forward. With this beta no update path is provided due to a number of extensive database schema changes and us having decided to implement full UTF-8 capability. But what we did is implementing the first steps to provide you with an automatic update tool which should lay the ground for providing updates later. :: View topic - phpBB 3.0 Beta3 released

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oscon blog mention

I mainly followed the database track, which for the most part meant PostgreSQL and MySQL. I can't say I even heard Firebird mentioned, which surprised me a little.

More OSCON to come

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

kernel koroner - io scheduler

Interesting read (see the article bellow), I will check if linux io scheduler has some effect on firebird databases too , I saw some redhat benchmarks with oracle and seems that io schedulers do have some performance gain (that is scheduler's sole raison d'être after all )
some related papers
I'm really interested into this because we have one raid-5 setup and when one of the drives failed and added an new drive to the raid (soft array) the io speed was very poor (1M/s reconstruction speed) and killed the server (booted ant took 1 hour until the login prompt), also we had an mysql 5.1 instance with gigs of data that crashed the centos box when updating/reconstructing some table (4G of ram , athlonX2 and raid5 setup ) I couldn't even press ctrl-alt-del or even sysrq keys (no console error or kernel panik) I call it blank sceen of death (no video output) it might be related to ACPI or freq scaling but now we replaced with another box (same specs) and cpu scalling is disabled in bios

mySQL DBA: IO schedulers matter

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

configuring firebird on large databases (linux kernel)

I took some tips from the oracle instalation notes [scroll down to Configuring Kernel Parameters]

Oracle instances consume memory and CPU resources on servers, and Ubuntu doesn't come configured to allow the quantity of resources to be consumed that we'll end up needing. To fix that, we therefore have to specify a set of new Kernerl Parameters which the operating system should use. That's easily done by editing one file, like so:

Installing 10g Release 2 on Ubuntu (Breezy Badger and Dapper Drake) | Dizwell Informatics

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