Firebird News

Friday, December 23, 2005

Latest Firebird Relational Database Released (Pre Final)

The Firebird Project is pleased to announce the last release candidate for the forthcoming Firebird 1.5.3 final version.
Release Candidate 3 is available for download and testing.

This sub-release introduces a number of retrospective fixes (backports) to bugs that became apparent and were fixed in the Firebird 2 tree during the alpha and beta phases of the Firebird 2.0 development. This release candidate (RC3) will become the final stable version in about a few days.

It is probably OK to regard this as the final release version, but we do not guarantee that something won't appear during this pre-release round.


For all Firebird fans we've prepared a nice gift - Firebird 2006 Calendar.

Dear Friends,

I sincery wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I hope you will be our readers in forthcoming year.

For all Firebird fans we've prepared a nice gift - Firebird 2006 Calendar.

All garthered funds will be used for preparing next issues of our free magazine.

With best regards,
Alexey Kovyazin
The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Synapse-EMR electronic medical records system that uses the open source RDBMS Firebird.

What is Synapse Electronic Medical Record?
Synapse-EMR is a powerful multi-user electronic medical records system that uses the open source RDBMS Firebird.

[ED:I like the technical]

Geek Stuff

Synapse-EMR is written using REBOL, a functional programming language with an internet bias. The GUI is written using Ashley Truter's great RebGUI, which provides added functionality over REBOL's original Visual Interface Dialect. Communication between the client and server is by multiple asynchronous encrypted tcp channels which produces a very flexible and responsive GUI.

Although apparently a client-server architecture, the server is also capable of acting as a client to another server instance allowing a number of servers to share anonymous epidemiological information, as well as provide secure messaging between servers.

Synapse-EMR uses the open source RDBMS Firebird to store all data. Firebird has a long history starting off life originally as Borland's Interbase. Firebird is reknown for being a zero administration ANSI SQL-99 database that is suitable for use in mission critical systems. It is free of licensing restrictions.


Firebird Blogs of the week

Why everyone should be a programmer

"I don't know if I have posted this before, but everyone should be a programmer. If you work with computers at all, which for better or worse most of us do, you can make your lives much easier.
For instance: My business deals with a lot of peoples Interbase databases (Well, Firebird but you get the idea)."

More on Robin's Aussie Blog
Writing some classes in php
"Last friday i was kinda bored at work so i decided to renew my functions and write some classes, so i started with the ones that i use most, and just wrote a class to conect, execute a sql query and return an array with the data using a firebird database, nothing really usefull, but makes my life easier :)"

by Fabio Gomes on his own yet another coding blog

How to start firebird on slackware (or any linux) Indonesian blog written by Budi Raharjo
[ED: blogger Location JAWA Barat - nice name i remember some motor bikes with JAWA name)


Firebird 1.5.3 in

Firebird is included in Yet Another Linux Distro named
" GoboLinux is an alternative Linux distribution which redefines the entire filesystem hierarchy.
In GoboLinux you don't need a package manager because the filesystem is the package manager: each program resides in its own directory, such as /Programs/Xorg/6.7.0/ and" /Firebird-client/1.5.3/

Firebird was almost interesting...

Quote from blog
"I was looking at the Firebird database recently. Free Software, very feature complete, and one neat feature was that it could run either client/server (like PostgreSQL) or as a standalone .so (like Sqlite). I was starting to look into using it.

Then I discovered it only supports i386 on Linux, and no progress has been made in 3 years on that."
False firebird is supported on other arhitectures

Firebird2 now builds and runs just fine on amd64.
Anyone with access to anything other than i386 or amd64 is warmly welcome to
try to build it and contact developers

Firebird3 (vulcan code name) will work on more arhitectures

Quoting From Vulcan Overview

Vulcan had four primary goals.
• Portability: Vulcan was developed simultaneously on four platforms: 32 bit
Windows using the Microsoft compiler from Visual Studio 7, 32 bit Linux and 64
bit Linux for AMD64/Opteron using various versions of gcc, and 64 bit Solaris
using the Sun Forte C++ compiler. Ports exist to 64-bit MVS UNIX, Itanium, and
AIX. See the Portability section.

Firebird V1.5 and V2.0 are sensitive to minor variations in C++ compilers, which is a
serious liability given the somewhat cavalier attitude of compiler developers toward
version-to-version compatibility.
Vulcan was developed on four compilers simultaneously: gcc 2.96, gcc 3.3.4,
Solaris/Forte 5.5, and Microsoft VC7. To make that work, Vulcan eliminated the
dependency on std.lib, minimized all other dependencies outside the core clib (c library),
and reduced the complexity of template usage


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A review of "GoldMine Corporate Edition 7.0" - They are using firebird

A review of "GoldMine Corporate Edition 7.0" by John Clyman for PC Magazine, "Some of the biggest changes in GoldMine 7.0 happened under the hood: dBASE has been supplanted with the open-source Firebird database..."
Source for news

Explaining interbase bottlenecks

Results of TPC-R based test attracted a lot of attention and raise many questions. The most important question is why queries 3 and 20 were so slow?
Here is the answer

TPC-C sources, TPC-R vulcan, firebird tests on the way

Hello everyone,

Thanks for attention. Next step will be testing beta versions (Vulcan and Firebird 2), simultaneously we’re working at TPC-C, which is closer to real-life. After that we have plans to run such test on other DBMS.

Marius, all sources for tests are available here

Sincerely, Alex Kovyazin


Firebird mention in - blog of the day

"Il Firebird project ha appena rilasciato la prima versione beta del suo famoso database. La nuovissima versione, anche se in versione beta, contiene un grande numero di nuove caratteristiche."

xBaseView 6.2 with firebird support

xBaseView is a universal viewer and editor of databases. xBaseView can open any database via the ADO, ODBC and BDE universal technologies, and can directly open 15 types of databases. It provides direct export of the data to 16 formats (direct import - from 14 formats), and can export (and import) them to any format of databases via the universal technologies. The database experts can create up to 10 various types of files; can perform SQL-queries and other operations.

ADODB 4.68 released (Default branch)

ADODB is a set of advanced PHP database abstraction classes. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Informix, Sybase ...

More on


EMS SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird (ver. 3.9.5)

Simple and powerful GUI tool for administering InterBase and Firebird.
New version released

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Firebird Stored Procedure written in C#

Carlos Guzman wrote an example of Stored Procedure using C# as language
and Firebird/Fyracle as server
More on his blog (spanish).You can use the babel fish to translate it


Friday, December 16, 2005

Firebird File and Metadata Security

Paul Vinkenoog updated documentation area on and wrote:
Existing manaul docbooked and added to our documentation collection: Firebird File and Metadata Security by Geoff Worboys.


KInterbasDB 3.2a1 released

What's new in release 3.2a1?
The primary goals of version 3.2 are:
- the removal of internal limits
- the exposure of more sophisticated features to the client programmer
- optimization

The code has been overhauled to enhance robustness and performance.
The documentation in general, and the Usage Guide in particular, have
already been updated to cover KInterbasDB 3.2.

The documentation, including a specific changelog, is available online at:

Where can I learn more about and download KinterbasDB?


Thursday, December 15, 2005

firebird blog of the day - Carlos Guzmán Álvarez

This is an nice surprise ;)
Is in Spanish

Firebird Banner is here

Some days ago someone requested an animated banner for Firebird.

Well, I just did one...

Get it on

I hope you enjoy ;)

Carlos H. Cantu
WarmBoot Informatica -
FireBase -

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pentaho = Open-source Business Intelligence with Firebird


Business Model: The company sells open-source business intelligence software that includes: reporting, analysis, dashboards, data mining, and workflow. It is stewarding the development of a interoperable suite of software components that can be configured into an integrated BI stack. Open-source projects that it supports include: Mondrian OLAP Server, JPivot, Firebird RDBMS, Enhyra Shark, Weka Data Mining, and Eclipse BIRT.
pentano datamining.png

Original article is here

Firebird article in "Entwickler Magazin"

in the forthcoming edition of the well-known German development magazine
"Entwickler Magazin", there will be an article about Firebird 2.0.

The cool thing *this* time is, that the article isn't only available in
the printed edition, but also Online (in German of course):,id,783,nodeid,56.html


and babelfish translation

Ruby on Rails 1.0 Released with firebird support

"What else do I need?
Rails works with a wealth of web servers and databases. For web server, we recommend Apache or lighttpd running either FastCGI or SCGI. For database, you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, or Firebird. Just about any operating system will do, but we recommend a 'nix-based one for deployment."
and slashdot


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

FireRuby included in RubyOnRails 0.14.4 (Active Record 1.13.1)

Details on Firebird Adapter (for Rails) page
"Now with integrated goodness! It looks like Rails 0.14.4 (Active Record 1.13.1) has the Firebird Adapter and patches to work with Firebird. Worked out the box for me with Firebird 1.5 Superserver. Skip the patching directions but all the usage rules below still apply."


FireRuby 0.4.1

FireRuby is an extension for the Ruby language that provides an OO interface
over the Firebird open source RDBMS C API.

This is a maintenance release. Work on getting the library working on a 64 bit
platform threw up some (ahem!) questionable code. This code was corrected and
this release brings those updates to all existing supported platforms. A 64
bit Linux build has also been created and added to the list of available gems.
Thanks go to David Walthour for getting the 64 bit version working.

No new functionality has been added for this release and all existing
functionality remains unchanged. As usual check the README that accompanies
the release for more details.


Which DB is more compatible with Lazarus?

Will there be a native component for mysql5 into Lazarus?

There already is. That is, if you use the newest fpc version from svn.
(2.0.3 or 2.1.1)

Then install the sqldb package that you can find in the components
directory of your Lazarus installation.

> It's not a troll but which DB is more compatible with Lazarus?

Sqldb, which is part of fpc supports Mysql 4.0,4.1,5.0,
firebird/interbase, postgresql, ODCB and Oracle.

Firebird/Interbase and Oracle supports the most features. Followed by
Postgresql, ODBC and the least supportive is MySQL.

Firebird/Interbase is tested and used the most. Oracle is brand new, and
no-one tried it really...

So if you can choose your database, I would go for Firebird, Postgres or
eventually Oracle.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Joost van der Sluis
CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken


Mac OSX (10.4) port of Firebird 3.0 (Vulcan)

The Mac OSX port of Vulcan is working though it hasn't
been tested multi-user, and has some rough edges in the
build. It uses gcc 4.0 which offers some warnings that
I could live without, and will figure out how to eliminate.

Here's the procedure.

1) download vulcan from CVS

2) define the environmental variable VULCAN to be

3) define ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD as SYSDBA and
masterkey respectively.

4) add $VULCAN/install/bin to your PATH variable

5) add $VULCAN/install/bin to your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

6) edit the file changing all
instances of libtool and libtoolizer to glibtool
and glibtoolizer respectively.

7) run

8) go to the /src/buildgen directory and

9) make buildgen (i.e. type "make")

10) in the same directory type "make install"

11) go to the /src directory

12) edit the files build and boot_build, changing gmake
to make.

13) test that you can find buildgen (which buildgen)

14) fix whatever it is that keeps you from finding buildgen

15) type "./set_platform darwin" - without the quotes of course.

16) run boot_build piping output and errors to a file.

You'll find a number of warnings about the incorrect use of
offsetof macro - MemMgr and a few other files. It works fine.
Jrd reports lots of multiply defined symbols from gds.o but
appears to work find and won't link on Windows without gds.o.
Burp gives lots warnings about
non-local variable ':: ::isc_xxx
uses anonymous type. It works too.


Ann W. Harrison


Monday, December 12, 2005

Morfik crew released Alpha version of their Ajax IDE - WebOS

There's been a major announcement from the Morfik crew today - the release of the Alpha version of their much anticipated Ajax IDE - WebOS.
More on

Events API implementation in Jaybird

 I've just committed the initial implementation of the Events API into
CVS. Up until now it's only been tested on my system (Linux), so I'd be
particularly interested in hearing from anyone who can test it on
Windows and other systems.

For anyone who's interested in trying it out, I would suggest looking in
the javadoc for org.firebirdsql.event.FBEventManager. It should
(hopefully) be quite self-explanatory. If there are any suggestions,
problems, questions, etc. please don't hesitate to post them.




InterBase 7.5.1 and Firebird 1.5.2 TPC-R based test results

First test results for Firebird 1.5.2 and InterBase 7.5.1 are published.

"Our first goal was testing of existed current release versions of InterBase and Firebird – InterBase 7.5.1 and Firebird 1.5.2 accordingly. Well, we’ve encountered problems with InterBase 7.5.1 testing – it generated so bad plan for queries 3 and 20 that we were not able to wait its finishing, so these queries were omitted in test results."


Firebird is a very impressive DB - blog of the day

I agree with him and i'm not the only one who knows we need to create more "buzz" I have said many times what are the methods , You can start with small things:blog , spread firebird logo on your site ... (search in the firebird-general list archive for all the ideas)

"Firebird is a very impressive DB and could easily gain market share if those who develop it tried harder to create a buzz about it. It is free, has paid support if you want it, has many years development behind it, is light in resource usage, is cross-platform and has had many features for years (such as stored procs) which MySQL only recently gained. One to watch."


Friday, December 09, 2005

Firebird Internal Engine Version 8.0 = 3.0 (aka Vulcan)

Si Carter wrote:
> Does anybody know what version FB would now be at if it hadn't been
> renamed, re-branded etc over the last 21 years?

There was only one release of Rdb/Eln... So add
1 to all the InterBase numbers. If you consider V1.0
of Firebird equivalent to V7.1 of the long historical
record, V1.5 is V7.5, and the new one is V8.




Sourceforge Google Firebird

On 12/9/05, paulruizendaal wrote:
> If you type "sourceforge" in Google, Firebird appears as result #9.
> Somehow Firebird is more closely associated with sourceforge than
> almost all other popular projects.
Interesting ,
Is good reason to suggest so they include firebird in project
of the month

(Interested in having your project be Project of the Month? Here's
how to apply, it's easy: Write a note to staff at with the subject
line: POTM. Mention your project name and why you think your project
should be selected.)

ps: maybe the news page on sourceforge should be updated ,
News is included in sourceforge newsletter (more eyeballs)


Fyracle 0.8.10 released

Fyracle 0.8.10 released


- Added support for Delphi clients
- Added support for CAST expressions
- Added support for CREATE PACKAGE, etc.
- Added support for overloading
- Fixed the behaviour of CHECK constraints
when dealing with NULL values
- Many bug fixes and small enhancements


The new runtime installers can be downloaded from:

The developer kit can be downloaded via:

Read the rest on fyracle news group


Compiere 2.5.3a for Fyracle released

Fyracle 0.8.10 is accompanied by a new Compiere port,
version 2.5.3a. The Compiere port has been created by our
partner "Jotel" and can de downloaded from:

User happily working with Compiere 2.5.1g can continue
to do so. For these users, Fyracle 0.8.10 fixes a regression that had been introduced in Fyracle 0.8.7

Note that "porting" Compiere is mainly adding a Fyracle option to the login screen and moving the default database content; The core of the Compier code is unchanged. The big work in "porting" Compiere is carefully test the functionality and ensure that things work as they should.

Support for Compiere on Fyracle is available:

quote of day - alternative to mysql

"Not at all, PostgreSQL (and Firebird) licenses allow this [ed :commercial license], provided that you mention the original authors and project.
It's MySQL (GPL version!!) that doesn't allow this, you need a commercial license.Let me add that Firebird is an excellent embedded database."

Read the rest on devshed forum

Firebird useful resources

Pabloj wrote :
"This is a list of useful resources about Firebird.
Hope people will find them useful and keep adding items to this list"


Today, AJAX Enters The Next Phase (With Firebird help)

Well, many of you have been itching for a REAL AJAX development environment. Today is the day you can get your first taste.

Morfik, a company from Tasmania, has a very cool tool they call WebOS. WebOS is, to put it plainly, an AJAX IDE. As far as I know, it is the first one. You don't have to know javascript, or PHP, or how to configure Apache or mySQL, or some other server to build AJAX applications. You can use a graphical environment, draw up tables and queries, draw forms, reports, etc., and write your code in Basic, Pascal, C#, or Java and WebOS will build both the client and server side portions for you. The Server side is a combination of Apache for the web server and Firebird for the database server.

Read the rest on Ajax developer (blog)


The Inquirer: Open Source databases rounded up and rodeod

Gives a general overview of why OSS DBs are becoming very important in
the market, highlighting the recent MySQL vs Oracle InnoDB mess as an
example. FB gets a mention in the round-up.

Date established: 1984
Number of employees: 15
Latest release: Firebird 1.5.3, released in July
Strong points: A very mature database requiring minimal administration,
full-featured SQL ACID-compliant database engine that implements most of
the SQL-99 standard. Compiere module runs Oracle PL/SQL code, highly
portable, available in three sizes: classic, superserver and embedded,
supports databases that can span multiple files with a theoretical limit
of 64 terrabytes for a single-file database.
Weak points: Needs better public relations
Executive quote: Ann Harrison, CTO, "Our current focus is targeting
application developers creating applications for resale. We think this
is an area not well served by MySQL because of their GPL, and not well
served by postgres because it is not designed to be installed transparently"
Recent news: Very successful conference in Prague, prepping the V2.0 Beta



Thursday, December 08, 2005

Turbocash looks to Linux/Firebird for expansion

"The result is that the Delphi-based accounting software is developed and optimised for Windows. The Linux version of Turbocash will have to be re-developed from the ground up. “We are looking for Python or Lazarus programmers. We have not yet decided on the final environment. The database will most likely be Firebird or MySQL,”

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Firebird Slackware package [DONE]

Found it on linux package
"This site is dedicated to the the enrichment and enhancement of the Slackware Linux operating system. We are gathering a vast resource of Slackware packages from around the world. "
ps:some romanians are involved with site code

This web site is hand coded, it is not based off any nuke puke or any of those other prefab portals. The backend alone is a monster amount of php code and continues to grow.

Mihai Ionascu (mihai at roundpixel dot org) - Graphic Design
Cristian Voinea (trotter at opensys dot ro) - HTML template
Robert Stan (robalo at linuxpackages dot net) :-)
Jason Woodward (woodwardj at jaos dot org) Backend scripts
John Vallejos (jav at linuxpackages dot net) Package approvals and Good friend


Firebird blog of the day

it's about EMS firebird/ib manager :
EMS Manager We are pleased to announce new version of InterBase/FireBird Manager. You can download the newest version from the download page.


Firebird Expert released

The IBExpert team announced a new version of IBExpert with many bug fixes and new features including a script runner called IBEBlock. Look here for some examples of user scripts and IBEBlock's.

Devrace have released FIBPlus V6.30

Devrace have released FIBPlus V6.30, more information is available in the release notes.


Firebird Conference 2005 - Cuckoo Clock

Firebird Conference 2005: Jason Chapman and "that" Cuckoo Clock...

Firebird Database Workbench v2.8.0 released!

We are proud to announce version 2.8.0 of Database Workbench, the next major release of our popular cross database engine developer tool. This version offers new features, many enhancements and a lot of bugfixes.

Database engines supported

* InterBase
* Firebird
* Microsoft SQL Server
* Oracle

New Features

Version 2.8 includes new features like:

* Microsoft SQL Server 2005/SQL Express 2005 support
* MySQL 5 support
* Increased Oracle support (v8, 9 and 10)
* Two-way Visual Query Builder
* Create INSERT script from any ODBC datasource

and much more...

Enhancements and bugfixes
Version 2.8 also includes many enhancements to make development easier and many bugfixes in many areas. Enhancements include:

* New "SQL Insight" module
* Code/SQL Editor enhancements
* Many user interface enhancements
* More complete Schema Migrate/Compare features
* Automatic image-type recognition in BLOB Editor

Download now:


New version of Interbase/Firebird Development Studio has been released

Interbase/Firebird Development Studio has been updated. This version
includes several new features and major improvements:
- Code Formatting
- Data Browser - a very useful tool to browse data from linked tables.
- Plan Analyzer is able to extract selectivity values for indicies used in the query plan.
- Database Designer now contains SQL Script objects.

A lot of minor improvements and fixes have been made.

30 days trial version is available from our download page:

More detailes about Interbase/Firebird Development Studio can be found on
these pages:

Best regards,
Pavel Kutakov
SQLLY Development team

Monday, December 05, 2005

The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine - third edition

I am glad to announce the third issue of “The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine”. Electronic version is available for free download here:

Printed version is also available:

We have done a lot of work and I hope you will enjoy new design and quality of our magazine (especially “luxury”print version).
Please do not forget to express your opinions, thoughts and suggestions in blog or via email

Sincerely yours,
Alexey Kovyazin
The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine


Migrating from InterBase 6.01 to Firebird 1.5 / 2.0

"We recently converted our InterBase 6.01 application to Firebird 2.0 Beta and kept a record of differences and their effect on our conversion process. Before we started this, we searched for any conversion guidance document on the web and did not find any one summarizing document, so we decided to keep a record and make it available to others who might want to tread the same path."

JayBird 2.0.1 released

I am pleased to announce release of JayBird 2.0.1. Since JayBird 2.0.0
release following bugs were fixed:

* Bug 1370017. NullPointerException in updatable result set if new value is
set to null.

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy.

Friday, December 02, 2005

FSQL v1.4.0

FSQL is the tool I use approximately one year instead of standard ISQL.
It has some enhancements, like commands to import data from csv,
show attached users, inserting file contents into blob, etc.
To list new commands execute HELP command, short description,
some examples, and link for download is here:

Any feedback is welcome.

Ivan Prenosil
